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Topic: Critical infrastructure security

Securing critical infrastructure, such as electricity grids, water treatment facilities, and oil and gas pipelines, against cyber threats.

More on: Critical infrastructure security

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of critical infrastructure security, including the threat posed by Chinese hacking groups, the role of nuclear energy in securing the energy grid, and the regulation and governance of emerging technologies like AI that can impact critical systems.

For example, episode CrowdStrike CEO Discusses Deepfakes and AI explores the risks of deepfakes to the 2024 U.S. election and the threat posed by the Chinese hacking group 'Vanguard Pandas' to critical U.S. infrastructure. Episode Advancing Nuclear Innovation with INL's Dr. John Wagner touches on the Idaho National Laboratory's work in securing critical infrastructure, such as the electricity grid, water treatment facilities, and oil and gas pipelines, against cyber threats. Episode Why Everyone is Angry About the AI Safety Board discusses the mandate of the Department of Homeland Security's AI Safety and Security Board to assess AI risks to sectors like power grids and transportation.

These episodes highlight the multifaceted nature of critical infrastructure security and the diverse range of threats, from nation-state actors to emerging technologies, that need to be addressed.

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