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Topic: Crude humor and banter

Crude humor and banter are prevalent and often the focus of the discussions in these podcast episodes.

More on: Crude humor and banter

The podcast episodes 'A Chat with My Ex Girlfriend - Dropouts #195' and 'Drew got a neuralink' from the 'Dropouts' and 'Emergency Intercom' podcasts, respectively, exemplify the prevalence of crude humor and banter among the hosts.

In 'A Chat with My Ex Girlfriend - Dropouts #195', the hosts engage in 'characteristically crude humor' and 'banter around bodily functions' despite the more serious discussions about personal growth and past relationships. A Chat with My Ex Girlfriend - Dropouts #195

Similarly, in 'Drew got a neuralink', the hosts' 'signature crude and offensive banter' often 'veer into controversial or inappropriate topics', detracting from the main discussion about Drew's neuralink implant. Drew got a neuralink

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