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Topic: Cult Indoctrination

Cult indoctrination is the process by which cult leaders manipulate and control their followers, often through psychological tactics such as isolation, fear, and the rewriting of belief systems.

More on: Cult Indoctrination

The podcast episodes provided explore various examples of cult indoctrination and how charismatic leaders are able to manipulate and control their followers, often leading to violence and tragedy.

For instance, the episodes on Savitri Devi's syncretistic approach to Nazism and Charles Manson's twisted interpretation of Beatles lyrics demonstrate how cults can exploit vulnerabilities and rewrite belief systems to appeal to disaffected youth across different subcultures.

Similarly, the episode on the Heaven's Gate cult examines the specific tactics and methods used by the cult leaders to indoctrinate and retain members, such as control, isolation, and rewriting belief systems.

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