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Topic: Cultural beliefs

Cultural beliefs shape the way societies understand and interpret the world around them, influencing everything from individual perspectives to governmental policies.

More on: Cultural beliefs

The podcast episodes provided explore how cultural beliefs and traditions shape interpretations of various phenomena, from the supernatural to social issues.

For example, the episode 'Legends 30: Death Omens' examines how beliefs about death omens emerged from diverse cultural contexts, such as Welsh, Scottish, American, and Appalachian traditions.

Similarly, the episode 'The Sunday Story: Life in the Shadow of the Philippines' Drug War' discusses how the cultural and religious beliefs, particularly those of the Catholic Church, have influenced the government's approach to the drug issue in the Philippines.

Other episodes, such as 'Lore 253: Compelled' and 'EP.180 - MATILDA'S CRAZY SIXTH SENSE, SABRINA'S TRUE GHOST STORIES & UNDERSTANDING SPIRITS', delve into how cultural beliefs about mental illness, the supernatural, and the 'other' have shaped interpretations of strange phenomena.

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