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Topic: Cultural Conditioning

Cultural conditioning shapes our perceptions, values, and behaviors from a young age through media, societal narratives, and other influential factors.

More on: Cultural Conditioning

The podcast episodes explore how cultural conditioning from a young age can shape an individual's views on beauty, morality, and weight, often perpetuating harmful stereotypes and limiting one's ability to live authentically.

For example, in the episode 'The Ozempic Obsession with Jia Tolentino [VIDEO]', the discussion delves into how media and societal narratives have contributed to the rise of weight loss drugs like Ozempic and the subsequent changes in the conversation around fatness in America.

Similarly, the episode 'Let them see you cry, by Reshma Saujani' examines how Saujani's upbringing and cultural background influenced her initial tendency to suppress emotions and vulnerability, a common experience for many individuals.

The episode 'E90 - Anita Moorjani: Woman In Coma Has Near-Death Spiritual Awakening & Realizes WHY WE ARE HERE' also touches on how cultural conditioning and societal beliefs can limit our awareness and perpetuate fear-based thinking, hindering our ability to live authentically.

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