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Topic: Cultural erasure

Cultural erasure refers to the intentional and systematic destruction or suppression of a group's cultural practices, languages, and identities by dominant powers.

More on: Cultural erasure

The podcast episodes discuss various historical examples of cultural erasure, including the disruption of intergenerational transfer of indigenous food knowledge and practices in the Arctic Dining at the Top of the World: Arctic Adaptation, Abundance, and...Ice Cream, as well as the U.S. government's policies aimed at erasing Native American cultures through boarding schools The Northern Cheyenne Face Off Against the US Army.

The episodes also highlight how these efforts at cultural erasure have led to a cultural renaissance among indigenous communities, as they work to reclaim and revitalize their traditions, languages, and connections to the land #1546 Exist, Resist, Indigenize, Decolonize: A story of colonialism, cultural renaissance and modernity.

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