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Topic: Customer-Centric Approaches

Customer-Centric Approaches focus on prioritizing the needs and experiences of customers to drive business success.

More on: Customer-Centric Approaches

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of adopting a customer-centric mindset and approach to enable growth and scale for startups and established businesses alike.

In the first episode, Celine Gray discusses how her expertise in sales enablement and leadership development has helped enable three startups to achieve unicorn status, emphasizing the need for a customer-centric focus. A Hat-Trick of Unicorns: How Celine Grey Enabled Growth & Scale for 3 Start-Ups

The second episode features Dr. Dan McCarthy, who advocates for the adoption of customer lifetime value (CLV) as a key metric to bridge the gap between marketing and finance, shifting the focus from traditional product-centric perspectives to a more customer-centric approach. The Case For Customer Lifetime Value - Why Is This So Hard?

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