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Topic: Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies to harass, threaten, or embarrass another person, often with severe consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being.

More on: Cyberbullying

The podcast episodes explore the issue of cyberbullying, highlighting the potential dangers of anonymous messaging apps and the impact of online harassment on individuals, particularly young people.

The episodes discuss specific incidents, such as the Fizz app incident at a high school in Vermont and the case of the Chinese live streamer 'Little Kitty' who died by suicide on camera, which sparked public outrage against cyberbullying. How the Fizz App Upended a High School in Hours and #258: Chinese Live Streamer Died On Stream, Then Someone Stole Her Body & Sold It provide detailed accounts of these situations.

The podcasts also touch on the broader implications of cyberbullying, including its effect on mental health, the role of social media platforms, and the need for better regulation and accountability. Tara Yummy Cries Over Jake Webber... Dropouts #207 and No Mercy / No Malice: METAstasis delve into these wider societal issues.

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