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Topic: Daily habits and routines

Establishing consistent daily habits and routines can significantly impact overall well-being and cognitive function.

More on: Daily habits and routines

The podcast episodes highlight how establishing consistent daily habits and routines, such as exercise, meditation, and setting boundaries, can significantly impact various aspects of our lives, including happiness, memory, attention, and cognitive performance.

For example, in the episode Unlocking Joy: How to Biohack Your Happiness with Cady Hannah of the Happiness Hangout Podcast, the guest discusses the importance of daily habits and routines in cultivating happiness and well-being. Similarly, in the episode Dr. Wendy Suzuki: Boost Attention & Memory with Science-Based Tools, the guest explains how daily practices like exercise, meditation, and affirmations can enhance brain function and cognitive abilities.

These episodes demonstrate the profound impact that consistent daily habits and routines can have on our overall well-being and cognitive performance.

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