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Topic: Daily practice

Practicing Stoic principles daily through reading, reflection, and self-talk.

More on: Daily practice

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of making Stoicism a daily practice, through activities such as reading the works of Stoic philosophers, journaling, and applying Stoic principles to one's lived experiences.

For example, in episode "It's a Beautiful Tradition", Ryan Holiday encourages listeners to adopt the tradition of reading and re-reading the Stoic texts, like Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations", and to use the "Daily Stoic" book and journaling as tools for this daily practice.

Similarly, in episode "You Have To Look This Way | Focus On The Present Moment", Holiday discusses the value of using short mantras or phrases to remind oneself of Stoic principles in daily life, emphasizing the need for constant reminders and training.

The episodes also provide practical examples of how to apply Stoic wisdom, such as in episode "Solve The Problem First", where Holiday shares how his wife's approach of prioritizing solving the immediate problem at hand, rather than getting caught up in emotions or blame, can be applied in daily life.

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