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Topic: Dark skies

Dark skies are a precious natural resource that are under threat from light pollution and the growing number of satellites in orbit.

More on: Dark skies

The podcast episodes discuss the importance of preserving dark skies and mitigating the environmental impacts of growing satellite constellations and other forms of light pollution.

Episode Chanda Prescod-Weinstein: The political questions of science and technology advocates for respecting diverse knowledge systems and prioritizing justice over narrowly-defined 'progress', including the need to protect dark skies from harmful development.

Episode Aparna Venkatesan: Protecting space as ancestral global commons delves into the threats posed by privatized space exploration and rapidly expanding satellite constellations, and calls for an ethical, collaborative approach rooted in diverse cultural perspectives to preserve orbital space as a shared ancestral commons for humanity and all life systems reliant on dark skies.

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