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Topic: Dark web

The dark web refers to the hidden and unindexed portion of the internet that can only be accessed using specialized software, often used for illicit activities like drug trafficking, money laundering, and the distribution of harmful content.

More on: Dark web

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of the dark web, its role in enabling criminal activities, and the challenges it poses for law enforcement and cybersecurity.

Several episodes delve into specific dark web-related cases, such as the Silk Road marketplace The Silk Road Pt. 2, the arrest of Amy Allwine's husband for accessing the dark web S2: E5 - Beyond Wildest Imagination, and the investigation into the 'Welcome to Video' child exploitation website 131: Welcome to Video.

Other episodes explore the broader issues surrounding the dark web, including the use of cryptocurrencies to facilitate illicit transactions 406. The Man Behind the Dark Web | Brett Johnson, the rise of cybercrime and malicious actors operating on the dark web Battling cyber attacks and deepfakes with AI, w/Darktrace CEO Poppy Gustafsson, and the challenges of monitoring and policing these hidden online spaces Navigating Threats in the Digital World.

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