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Topic: Data privacy and ownership

Data privacy and ownership are crucial concerns as AI and digital technologies increasingly shape our lives, with questions around who controls personal data and digital legacies.

More on: Data privacy and ownership

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of data privacy and ownership, particularly the challenges and concerns around the use of personal data and likenesses by technology companies and AI systems without the full consent or control of individuals.

For example, the episode 'Does artificial intelligence deliver immortality?' explores the privacy implications of using personal data to create digital avatars of deceased loved ones, while the episode ''Zombie Facebook' takes over + ScarJo vs OpenAI' raises concerns about the unauthorized use of personal likenesses by AI companies.

The episode 'Andreas Tsamados & Vijay Krishnavanshi: Fileverse - Decentralised P2P File Sharing' discusses a decentralized file-sharing solution that aims to address the data privacy and ownership issues caused by centralized web2 platforms, highlighting the desire for individuals to have more control over their personal data.

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