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Topic: Data Security and Privacy

Data Security and Privacy is the protection of sensitive information and personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, and breaches.

More on: Data Security and Privacy

The topic of Data Security and Privacy is closely related to the podcast episodes provided, as both episodes discuss the importance of ensuring data security and privacy in healthcare and technology applications.

In the first episode, The promise of personalized medicine with cardiologist Dr. Amgad Makaryus, the speaker raises concerns about data security and privacy issues associated with the increasing use of technology and patient data in healthcare. This highlights the need for robust data security measures to protect sensitive healthcare information.

The second episode, The Future of Cloud Data Collaboration (with Samooha Co-Founder Kamakshi Sivaramakrishnan), delves deeper into the topic of data security and privacy. The episode discusses Samooha's approach to secure data sharing and collaboration in the cloud, emphasizing the importance of mathematical guarantees to ensure data security and privacy.

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