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Topic: Dealbreakers

Dealbreakers are personal boundaries and standards that determine whether a relationship is viable or not.

More on: Dealbreakers

The topic of 'Dealbreakers' is explored in the podcast episodes by discussing the importance of identifying and communicating personal preferences, boundaries, and deal-breaking factors in dating and relationships.

The episodes provide examples and personal experiences related to dealbreakers, such as infidelity, jealousy, and other behaviors or traits that individuals are unwilling to tolerate. By setting clear standards and not settling for mistreatment, the podcasters emphasize the significance of self-respect and maintaining healthy boundaries in romantic relationships.

The topic of dealbreakers is closely tied to the podcast episodes Nicole Byer (FBF) [VIDEO] and My biggest dating icks + dealbreakers in 2024, where the hosts discuss various personal dealbreakers and the importance of not compromising on them.

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