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Topic: Decolonial theory

Decolonial theory challenges traditional Eurocentric frameworks and power structures, advocating for the liberation and self-determination of marginalized communities.

More on: Decolonial theory

Decolonial theory emerges as a central theme in the podcast episodes, which explore how different discourses and cultural forms have been used to document, interpret, and respond to extinction events and ecological harm.

The episodes highlight how decolonial perspectives can provide critical insights into the intersections of human and non-human struggles, as exemplified by the discussion of Joshua Schuster's work on the 'natural and cultural history of last animals' and the exploration of decolonial theory's relevance to the Palestinian liberation movement.

Decolonial theory challenges the dominant Eurocentric and colonial frameworks that have often marginalized or ignored the knowledge and experiences of indigenous communities, who have been at the forefront of efforts to protect the environment and resist ecological destruction.

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