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Topic: Decolonization

Decolonization is the process of undoing colonialism and the reversal of the effects of colonization on cultures, societies, and institutions.

More on: Decolonization

The podcast episodes explore decolonization from various angles, showcasing how it relates to a range of issues such as the legacy of colonialism, indigenous rights, environmental justice, and anti-imperialist struggles.

For instance, the episode 'Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise' delves into the forced displacement of the indigenous Chagossian people from their homeland to establish a U.S. military base, highlighting the racist attitudes of colonial powers. Similarly, the episode 'The US Occupation of the Philippines' examines the gradual path to Philippine independence after decades of American occupation.

Other episodes tackle decolonization in the context of South Africa's post-apartheid challenges, the struggle for Palestinian liberation, and the importance of centering indigenous knowledge and epistemologies in fields like conservation, astronomy, and environmental studies.

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