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Topic: Defining success

Defining success on one's own terms, rather than adhering to external standards or metrics, is a key theme explored across multiple podcast episodes.

More on: Defining success

The topic of 'defining success' is explored extensively across the podcast episodes, as the guests and hosts grapple with redefining success beyond traditional financial or career-focused metrics.

Several episodes, such as Episode 208 - Dan Bortolotti: The Canadian Couch Potato, 152. "The world is going to end. So why bother investing?", and Leading with Purpose, Individual Authenticity, and Community Impact with Alok Chanani, delve into the importance of aligning one's definition of success with personal values, purpose, and creating meaningful impact, rather than solely chasing numbers or accolades.

The guests also share personal journeys of redefining success, including overcoming imposter syndrome, finding purpose beyond financial gain, and prioritizing relationships and community over individual accomplishments.

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