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Topic: Degrowth

Degrowth is a radical economic theory that advocates for shrinking economies to use fewer of the world's finite resources.

More on: Degrowth

The podcast episodes provided discuss the concept of degrowth, which is a critique of the current model of endless economic growth and a proposal for an alternative economic and social framework focused on sustainability, well-being, and environmental protection.

The episodes explore various aspects of degrowth, including its ties to the UN and organizations like 'Earth for All' Proof the UN Has Been Infiltrated by Anti-Natalists, its relationship to the transition to renewable energy Why Capitalism Won't Save the Planet (w/ Brett Christophers), and its potential contradictions and challenges Gustav Cederlof, "The Low-Carbon Contradiction: Energy Transition, Geopolitics, and the Infrastructural State in Cuba" (U California Press, 2023).

The podcasts also discuss alternative metrics to GDP, the need for structural and collective change, and the tensions between degrowth and individual responsibility Can Circular Economy Enable Infinite Economic Growth? with Ekaterina Chertkovskaya.

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