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Topic: Delusions

Delusions are false beliefs that persist despite evidence to the contrary, often arising from mental health conditions and impacting a person's perception of reality.

More on: Delusions

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of delusions, including their role in criminal behavior, history in psychiatry, and impact on human functioning and mental health.

For example, the episodes examine the delusional beliefs held by the Symbionese Liberation Army members (Episode 580: Patty Hearst Part III - I, Tania), the work of psychiatrist Jules Cotard and the delusional syndrome he identified (SYMHC Classics: Jules Cotard and Cotard Syndrome), as well as the delusional beliefs that motivated serial killer Sheila LaBarre's crimes ("The Avenging Angel" Sheila LaBarre Pt. 2). The episodes also look at the 'Truman Show Delusion' and other ways delusions can manifest in people's lives (568: Human Spectacle).

Overall, these episodes provide a comprehensive look at the topic of delusions from various angles.

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