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Topic: Demographics

Demographics refers to the statistical characteristics of a population, including factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, income, and education.

More on: Demographics

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to demographics, including changing population trends, their economic and political implications, and how they impact various industries and societal issues.

For example, the episode Market movements and uncertainty in American politics discusses how the declining ratio of workers to retirees is a key factor contributing to the financial challenges facing Social Security.

The episode Is Biden really losing Hispanic and Black voters? analyzes how the changing demographics of the US electorate are influencing the election strategies of both political parties.

Other episodes explore the relationship between demographics and issues like protests and social movements (Who Really Protests, and Why?), economic growth and investment opportunities (Is India The Next Global Growth Powerhouse?), and personal finance challenges like credit card debt (We're drowning in credit card debt).

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