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Topic: Determinism

Determinism is the philosophical idea that all events, including human actions and decisions, are determined by prior events and conditions, leaving no room for free will.

More on: Determinism

The podcast episodes explore the topic of determinism, which suggests that human behavior and decision-making are ultimately shaped by factors beyond individual control, such as biological, environmental, and causal factors.

In The History of Freedom w/Lea Ypi: Anarchism and Nihilism, the deterministic aspects of some nihilist thought are discussed, which seek to reduce human beings to material or biological processes.

The episodes with #360 - We Really Don't Have Free Will? and Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism delve deeply into the concept of determinism, questioning the existence of free will and examining how behavior is shaped by a myriad of biological and environmental factors.

The episode Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Science of Stress, Testosterone & Free Will also explores the topic of determinism, discussing how our behaviors and perceptions are influenced by factors such as hormones, brain structure, and social context.

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