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Topic: Diagnosis

Diagnosis is the process of identifying the underlying cause of a person's symptoms or condition through examination, testing, and clinical evaluation.

More on: Diagnosis

The topic of diagnosis is prominently featured in the podcast episodes, with several episodes focusing on the challenges and importance of accurate diagnosis for various medical and mental health conditions.

For example, the episode "In 'Do I Know You?,' a science reporter tackles her own face blindness" discusses the process of diagnosing face blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, and the impact it can have on an individual's understanding of their own experiences. Similarly, the episodes "506- Exploring the PMDD-ADHD Link: How to Recognize and Treat Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" and "500- Identifying Depression and Anxiety in Teens with ADHD" focus on the importance of accurately diagnosing conditions like PMDD and differentiating between ADHD, depression, and anxiety in adolescents.

The podcast episodes also touch on the potential role of technology, such as artificial intelligence, in aiding the diagnosis of complex or rare conditions, as mentioned in the episode "Part 4 - Using AI to Get One Step Ahead of Antibiotic Resistance".

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