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Topic: Dictatorship

A dictatorship is a form of government where a single person or a small group holds absolute power without the consent of the governed.

More on: Dictatorship

The podcast episodes provided touch on various aspects of dictatorship, including its historical context, modern manifestations, and the efforts to challenge and overcome it.

The episode 'The Ghost in Your Phone (Throwback)' discusses the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko in Congo and how it facilitated foreign resource exploitation, while 'South Africa: The challenge of offering solidarity without strings' introduces the context of the decades-long dictatorship in Equatorial Guinea and the role of artists in challenging it.

The episode '[BEST OF] Defending Socialism: Debunking Anti-Communist Myths (w/ Radical Reflections)' also explores the myth that communism promotes dictatorship and provides historical context and counterarguments on the nature of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

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