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Topic: Dietary guidelines

Dietary guidelines are science-based recommendations for healthy eating and nutrition to promote overall well-being and prevent chronic diseases.

More on: Dietary guidelines

The podcast episodes cover various aspects related to dietary guidelines, including the classification and regulation of certain foods, the scientific basis and limitations of current guidelines, and the potential for personalized nutrition to complement or challenge existing recommendations.

For example, the episode 'Spud spat' discusses the federal government's classification of potatoes as a vegetable, and the potential financial and policy implications of this classification. The episode 'Unlocking Protein's Power' explores the limitations of current dietary guidelines, particularly in addressing protein quality and essential amino acid requirements.

The episode 'Eat This, Not That: The Surprising Science of Personalized Nutrition' delves into the potential of personalized nutrition to provide a more nuanced approach to dietary recommendations, challenging the one-size-fits-all nature of existing guidelines.

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