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Topic: Diplomacy

Diplomacy is the art of engaging in formal negotiations and interactions between nations, organizations, or individuals to resolve conflicts, promote cooperation, and advance shared interests.

More on: Diplomacy

The podcast episodes provided showcase the critical role of diplomacy in various global contexts, from resolving international conflicts and crises to facilitating cooperation and understanding between nations.

Diplomacy is a central theme that emerges through the diverse topics covered in the episodes, including the formation of the United Nations The Formation of the United Nations, ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas PDB Afternoon Bulletin | June 11th, 2024: Ceasefire Hopes Rekindled & Russian Warships In The Caribbean, and the diplomatic strategies of historical figures like Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin.

The episodes highlight the nuanced, multifaceted nature of diplomacy, exploring its use in conflict resolution, alliance-building, and the pursuit of national interests on the global stage.

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