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Topic: Disclosure

Disclosure refers to the process of revealing or making public previously hidden or classified information, often related to government or corporate activities.

More on: Disclosure

The topic of 'Disclosure' is central to the podcast episodes provided, which explore various aspects of the disclosure of information related to the UFO phenomenon and potential extraterrestrial intelligence.

In the first episode, Transmedium - Fast Movers & USOs: An Interview with Darcy Weir, the concept of disclosure, both in terms of the government revealing information about UFOs and the potential role of artificial intelligence in furthering our understanding, is explored.

The second episode, AARO Misses Target - Congress & The Public Are Pissed, delves into the ongoing debate and efforts surrounding the disclosure of information about UFOs to the general public.

While not a central focus, the concept of disclosure and the potential implications of the government revealing more information about the UFO phenomenon are also touched upon in the conversation in Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution.

Finally, the narrator's optimism about inevitable public disclosure of the truth about extraterrestrials is a prevalent topic in the fictional story presented in #168 - Experimenting on E.T.

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