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Topic: Discrimination and Persecution

The long and persistent history of discrimination, persecution, and violence faced by marginalized groups, including LGBTQ individuals, Jews, and other minorities.

More on: Discrimination and Persecution

The podcast episodes provided illustrate the long and painful history of discrimination and persecution faced by LGBTQ individuals, particularly teachers, as well as Jewish communities during the Black Death pandemic.

The episode 'Slow Burn: Defend Our Children' chronicles the campaign by California state senator John Briggs in 1977 to ban gay and lesbian teachers from public schools, falsely portraying them as a threat to children. It also follows the story of a gay second-grade teacher, Larry Berner, who faced intense personal attacks for opposing Briggs' proposed ban.

The episode 'The Strasbourg Massacre' highlights the long history of discrimination and persecution faced by Jewish and other minority groups, with the Strasbourg Massacre of 1349 being one of the worst anti-Jewish atrocities sparked by the Black Death pandemic. Despite the massacre, the perpetrators were pardoned by the Holy Roman Emperor.

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