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Topic: Distraction

Distraction is the state of being diverted from the task at hand, often by external stimuli or internal impulses, leading to reduced focus and productivity.

More on: Distraction

The topic of distraction is a central theme in the provided podcast episodes, with multiple guests and hosts exploring the causes, effects, and strategies for overcoming distractions in various aspects of life.

For example, in episode #57553, Buddhist monk Gelong Thubten discusses how distractions like social media are low-grade addictions used to avoid dealing with uncomfortable emotions, and suggests mindfulness practices as a way to transform unhappiness. Similarly, in episode #19800, the host examines the declining attention spans, particularly among young people, and provides practical tips for regaining focus and concentration.

Other episodes, such as episode #32215 and episode #5340, feature interviews with author Nir Eyal, who shares strategies for building an 'indistractable' household and overcoming procrastination through practical techniques.

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