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Topic: Dogma

Dogma refers to a set of beliefs or principles that are unquestioningly accepted as absolute truth, often associated with religious or ideological doctrines.

More on: Dogma

The podcast episodes provided discuss the concept of dogma and its relationship to various philosophical and ideological frameworks, such as Stoicism and Marxism.

In the first episode, "How To Be A King | What Stoicism Gets Wrong", the host examines the potential flaws and limitations of Stoic philosophy, acknowledging the problematic societal norms of the time that influenced the Stoics. The episode cautions against treating Stoicism as an infallible dogma and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging its human origins, flaws, and limitations.

The second episode, "Is Marxism just Religion by Another Name?", explores whether Marxism can be considered a form of dogma or a dogmatic belief system, and how it differs from religious dogma. The hosts argue that while there are formal similarities, the content and methods of Marxism are fundamentally different from religion, grounded in a materialist, scientific analysis of reality rather than metaphysical or supernatural beliefs.

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