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Topic: Drug culture

Drug culture encompasses the societal attitudes, behaviors, and experiences surrounding the use and abuse of various substances, often with significant impacts on individuals, communities, and popular culture.

More on: Drug culture

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of drug culture, including its prevalence in subcultures like raving, disco, and comedy/entertainment circles.

For example, the episode Listen Bitch! One Foot in the Rave explores the experiences of Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver with raving and the drug use associated with that scene. Similarly, the episode Ep 498 - Dedicated Lovers (feat. Adam22) delves into drug culture within comedy and hip-hop circles.

The episode Revisiting A Chicago Hate Crime And Its Aftermath also touches on the role of drug dealing as a means of financial survival in response to systemic inequalities. Additionally, the episode 439. Disco: Sex and Race in Seventies America discusses the prevalence of drug use, particularly cocaine, within disco scenes and its influence on and associations with the music.

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