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Topic: Early Childhood Development

Early childhood development encompasses the critical period of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth in the first years of life, laying the foundation for lifelong health and well-being.

More on: Early Childhood Development

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of early childhood development, including how early experiences shape our subconscious beliefs and behaviors, the significance of the first 1,000 days in establishing a healthy microbiome, and the impact of childhood experiences on memory formation and self-sabotage.

For example, the episode How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind explores how our childhood experiences from ages 0-7 create 'programs' that run on autopilot, while Episode 168: Alessio Fasano discusses celiac disease and gluten-related disorders highlights the importance of the first 1,000 days in gut-brain axis development. The episode Why You Self Sabotage And How To Stop also discusses how early childhood experiences shape beliefs and insecurities that contribute to self-sabotage.

Additionally, the episode From the Vault: Before You Could Remember, Part 1 explores the phenomenon of infantile amnesia and its impact on memory formation and personal narratives.

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