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Topic: Eclipses

Eclipses are astronomical events that have captivated and intrigued humans throughout history, often evoking awe, fear, and scientific curiosity.

More on: Eclipses

The podcast episodes provided focus on the historical significance, cultural perceptions, and scientific understanding of eclipses throughout human history.

Several episodes, such as "Bad Omens Or The Cycle of Nature? How The Ancient World Viewed Eclipses" and "Eclipses, Cosmic Cataclysms, and More with Janna Levin", delve into how ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia interpreted and reacted to eclipses, as well as the modern scientific advancements in understanding these phenomena.

Other episodes, like "The Week of April 1st, 2024: Triple-checking everything with this Mercury retrograde in Aries" and "The Week of January 22nd, 2024: A big, dramatic Full Moon in Leo (and much more)", explore the astrological significance and influence of eclipses on human behavior and societal events.

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