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Topic: Economic Indicators

Economic indicators are various metrics used to measure and assess the overall health and performance of an economy.

More on: Economic Indicators

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of economic indicators, including traditional measures like GDP, inflation, unemployment, and stock market performance, as well as less conventional indicators like air travel volumes, copper prices, and even the success of meme stocks.

These economic indicators are discussed in the context of their implications for consumers, businesses, and policymakers. For example, episodes How many Native people live in the U.S.? Good question. and Is Joe Biden Leaving a Hyperinflation Land Mine for Trump? examine the challenges in collecting accurate data on Native American populations and the accuracy of economic statistics, respectively.

The episodes also analyze how these economic indicators influence and are influenced by factors such as the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, consumer spending patterns, international trade, and political dynamics. For instance, episodes Homelessness criminalized as home sales fall and prices rise and SCOTUS curbs regulatory agencies' powers. Again. discuss the intersection of economic indicators, policy decisions, and their real-world impacts.

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