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Topic: Economic well-being

Economic well-being encompasses financial security, quality of life, and socioeconomic factors that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

More on: Economic well-being

The podcast episodes provided touch on various aspects of economic well-being, such as the economic struggles of millennials, the importance of social connections for financial and personal resilience, and the impacts of cash transfer programs on poverty alleviation.

For example, the episode 'Who screwed millennials: a generation left behind - Full Story podcast' examines the systemic factors that have contributed to the economic challenges faced by millennials, including rising housing costs, student debt, and precarious employment.

The episode 'No Mercy / No Malice:' highlights the economic benefits of strong social connections and relationships, emphasizing how they can provide resilience against economic downturns and promote overall community prosperity.

Finally, the episode 'The Universal Basic Income experiment in Kenya' explores the impact of cash transfers on financial outcomes and psychological well-being in Kenya, shedding light on strategies for improving economic well-being.

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