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Topic: Edge Computing

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the devices and sensors that generate it, reducing latency and improving performance.

More on: Edge Computing

The podcast episodes explore the growing importance of edge computing in various domains, including healthcare, conservation, and software development.

Several episodes highlight how edge AI models and decentralized architectures can address privacy, performance, and accessibility challenges by processing data closer to the source. For example, the use of edge computing to enable real-time monitoring of elephant populations in remote areas (Feature: 'AI and the Holy Grail of Conservation' from Click Here) and the deployment of edge AI models to identify sensitive data in healthcare environments (Using edge models to find sensitive data).

The episodes also discuss the advantages of edge computing for application development, such as Deno's lightweight architecture and adherence to web standards that make it well-suited for running on edge servers (Simplifying Development with Deno - JSJ 625), and the use of AWS Local Zones and Outposts to enable hybrid cloud deployments with low-latency requirements (#663: athenahealth accelerates hybrid cloud journey with AWS).

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