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Topic: Education policy

Education policy encompasses the laws, regulations, and practices that govern the operation and funding of educational institutions and programs.

More on: Education policy

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of education policy topics, including controversies around curriculum and teaching, school funding and financing, teacher quality and diversity, and the role of technology and innovation in education.

For example, the episode 'Biden Falters In First Debate, Trump Spews Falsehoods, New Oklahoma School Mandate' discusses the policy implications of Oklahoma's mandate to teach the Bible in public schools, raising concerns about the separation of church and state. Another episode, 'Why School Absences Have "Exploded" Across America', examines the education policy challenges posed by chronic student absenteeism and potential solutions.

Other episodes delve into debates around standardized testing, the teaching of Black history, and education equity and access, underscoring the far-reaching and sometimes contentious nature of education policy.

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