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Topic: Elderly representation in media

Elderly representation in media explores how older characters and their experiences are portrayed and celebrated in films, television, and other media.

More on: Elderly representation in media

The podcast episodes provided discuss the portrayal of elderly characters in media, particularly in films and anime. The episodes highlight how these representations can positively humanize and celebrate the experiences of older adults, as seen in the thoughtful depiction of aging in the film 'Thelma' Thelma And What's Making Us Happy and the pronatalist messaging that cherishes family and the elderly in the anime 'Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again' Pronatalist Propaganda in Anime: Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again.

These examples demonstrate how media can play a role in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards the elderly, both positively and negatively. Understanding the nuances of elderly representation in various forms of entertainment is crucial for promoting more inclusive and meaningful portrayals of older adults.

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