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Topic: Electoral college

The electoral college is the process by which the President of the United States is elected, where each state is allocated a number of electors based on its representation in Congress.

More on: Electoral college

The podcast episodes provided discuss the nuances and complexities of the electoral college system, including its historical origins, the implications of its winner-take-all approach, and the efforts to reform or abolish it.

Several episodes, such as The Campaign Moment: AI and other election threats, #1379 Tell Stories, Not Myths: Democracy in America (Throwback), and American Elections: 1800, delve deeply into the role of the electoral college in shaping presidential elections and the ongoing debates surrounding its democratic legitimacy.

Other episodes, like #1460 The Growing Threat of Minority Rule (Throwback) and Be it Resolved, the Democrats need a new nominee, analyze how the electoral college system can contribute to minority rule and the strategic considerations for political parties in selecting their presidential candidates.

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