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Topic: Elimination Diets

Elimination diets are a strategy for identifying and managing food intolerances and digestive issues like bloating through the systematic removal and reintroduction of certain foods.

More on: Elimination Diets

The podcast episodes discuss the use of elimination diets as a strategy for identifying and managing a range of digestive issues, including bloating, IBS, and acid reflux.

For example, Dr. Mark Hyman's episode explores the concept of "Feel Like Crap Syndrome" and how a 10-day elimination diet can help reset the body and alleviate symptoms. Similarly, the episode with Dr. Ari Nguyen discusses the use of elimination diets, such as the low-FODMAP diet, to identify and manage food intolerances. Additionally, Dr. Sara Gottfried's episode mentions elimination diets as a way to address leaky gut and autoimmune triggers.

Elimination diets are presented as a personalized, N-of-1 approach to addressing various health concerns, particularly those related to gut health and inflammation.

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