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Topic: Embodied Cognition

Embodied Cognition is a theoretical framework that suggests cognitive processes are deeply rooted in bodily interactions with the environment and social context.

More on: Embodied Cognition

The concept of Embodied Cognition, which suggests that our cognitive processes are grounded in our bodily experiences and interactions with the surrounding world, is a central theme across the podcast episodes provided.

The episodes explore how factors such as our physical environments, social relationships, and emotional experiences profoundly shape and extend our thinking and problem-solving abilities beyond the confines of the brain. This aligns with the 'extended mind' framework discussed in the Annie Murphy Paul episode, which posits that our minds are not limited to the skull but are distributed across our bodies, social networks, and physical contexts.

The Alexa Weik von Mossner interview also touches on embodied cognition, highlighting how our sensory and emotional engagement with narratives, both in literature and film, are crucial to how we make meaning and develop empathy for environmental issues. Similarly, the Dr. Immordino-Yang episode explores how our visceral, embodied experiences lay the foundation for recognizing emotions, simulating perspectives, and building conceptual understanding over time.

Taken together, these podcast episodes provide a rich exploration of Embodied Cognition and its implications for how we think, learn, and interact with the world around us.

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