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Topic: End Times

The imminent end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ, as foretold in biblical prophecy.

More on: End Times

The podcast episodes explore the Christian understanding of the biblical End Times, discussing the signs, progression, and implications of this prophetic period.

Several episodes delve into specific aspects of End Times beliefs, such as the role of the red heifer prophecy EP: 234 The Red Heifer Prophecy with Mondo Gonzales, the significance of the Third Temple EP: 221 The Red Heifer with Faith and Friction, and the potential societal and geopolitical dynamics surrounding the fulfillment of these prophecies.

The episodes also emphasize the importance of faith, vigilance, and urgency in sharing the gospel during these tumultuous times, as well as the need for Christians to discern truth from deception and to focus on living in a manner that pleases God.

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