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Topic: Endangered species

Endangered species are plants and animals on the brink of extinction, facing immediate threats to their survival due to human activities, habitat loss, poaching, and climate change.

More on: Endangered species

The podcast episodes discuss a variety of endangered species and the efforts to protect them, including efforts to save endangered bird species in Hawaii "How Millions Of Mosquitoes Could Save Hawaii's Endangered Birds", the conservation of rhinos and elephants in Africa "The Black Mambas: Women Saving Rhinos and Elephants from Extinction", and the protection of great ape species like chimpanzees "Audio long read: Chimpanzees are dying from our colds - these scientists are trying to save them".

The episodes also discuss innovative approaches to conservation, such as the use of AI and technology for real-time monitoring of endangered species "Feature: 'AI and the Holy Grail of Conservation' from Click Here", and efforts to bring back extinct species through de-extinction technologies "Ep. 564: De-extinction: Can We Make a Mammoth, and Why Should We?".

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