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Topic: Energy and Climate Change

Energy and climate change are closely intertwined, as the transition to sustainable and renewable energy sources is crucial in mitigating the impacts of global warming and promoting a more environmentally-conscious future.

More on: Energy and Climate Change

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of energy and climate change, including the need for sustainable energy sources, the potential of breakthrough technologies like fusion and geothermal energy, and the geopolitical implications of the global energy landscape.

For example, the episode The Skeptics Guide #989 - Jun 22 2024 touches on the discussion of nuclear power and its role in addressing climate change, while the episode The Shifting World Order covers the U.S.'s evolving role in the global energy market and its efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources.

Additionally, the episode 20VC: Vinod Khosla on How AI Impacts The Future of Healthcare, Education, Income Equality, Geo-Politics, Music and Climate Change highlights Vinod Khosla's bullishness on fusion and geothermal energy as economically viable and scalable solutions for addressing climate change.

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