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Topic: Energy transition and decarbonization

The energy transition and decarbonization involve shifting towards clean, renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change and improve energy security.

More on: Energy transition and decarbonization

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of the ongoing energy transition and decarbonization efforts, highlighting the challenges and opportunities involved.

The discussions cover topics such as Europe's energy crisis and efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels An Update on Europe's Energy Crisis, the potential role of nuclear fusion in decarbonization Nuclear Fusion: Still Decades Away?, the impact of extreme weather on the power grid Extreme Weather Keeps Maxing Out the Grid, the shortcomings of utility companies in meeting climate goals The Dirty Secret Behind Utility Climate Goals, and the importance of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in supporting the energy transition The Vast Potential of Networked EV Chargers.

These episodes provide insights into the multifaceted nature of the energy transition and the various technological, economic, and policy-related factors that are shaping its progress.

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