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Topic: Environmental activism

Environmental activism involves grassroots efforts to protect the natural world and promote sustainable practices, often through public education, legal action, and political advocacy.

More on: Environmental activism

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of environmental activism efforts, from individual actions to large-scale movements, addressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource exploitation.

Several episodes highlight the work of activists, advocates, and organizations fighting to preserve ecosystems, protect endangered species, and promote sustainable practices, including efforts to save the Hasdeo Aranya forest in India, the struggle for justice after the murder of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, and the fight against the environmental impacts of coal mining in China.

The episodes also explore the use of art, storytelling, and community engagement to raise awareness and inspire action on environmental issues, as seen in the work of artist Isabella Kirkland and the legacy of the 'Captain Planet' cartoon series.

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