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Topic: Environmental Communication

Environmental Communication examines how rhetoric and communication practices shape our relationship with the environment and can influence environmental awareness, action, and policy.

More on: Environmental Communication

The podcast episodes provided focus on various aspects of Environmental Communication, analyzing how communication and rhetorical practices can cultivate care for the environment, inspire collective action, and address complex environmental challenges.

For example, the episode 'Joshua Trey Barnett, "Mourning in the Anthropocene: Ecological Grief and Earthly Coexistence" (Michigan State UP, 2022)' explores how rhetorical practices can evoke a sense of ecological grief and foster a deeper connection with the more-than-human world. Similarly, the episode 'Phaedra C. Pezzullo, "Beyond Straw Men: Plastic Pollution and Networked Cultures of Care" (U California Press, 2023)' examines the discursive dimensions of plastic pollution debates as an entry point into wider environmental issues.

The podcast episodes also highlight the importance of inclusive and diverse approaches to environmental communication, as exemplified by the episode 'EP 13: Defining Your Own Environmental Activism', which emphasizes the value of authentic storytelling and community engagement in creating a more inclusive environmental movement.

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