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Topic: Environmental exploitation

Environmental exploitation is the overuse and mismanagement of natural resources, often driven by corporate greed and a relentless focus on economic growth.

More on: Environmental exploitation

The topic of environmental exploitation is closely related to the podcast episodes provided.

In the first episode, 'S2E1 Trouble on the High Seas' from the 'Sword AF' podcast, the central conflict revolves around a corporation harvesting and exploiting a powerful magical creature for its natural resources, highlighting the negative impacts of corporate greed and environmental exploitation. Episode 64172

The second episode, 'Degrowth, Malthus, and the Climate Crisis (w/ Giorgos Kallis)' from 'The Climate Pod', discusses the critical role of degrowth economics in addressing the negative impacts of the relentless pursuit of economic growth on the environment. The episode explores the ideas of 18th-century philosopher Thomas Malthus and the need to reconsider societal structures that prioritize unsustainable growth over environmental sustainability. Episode 53551

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