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Topic: Environmental psychology

Environmental psychology examines the dynamic relationship between people and their physical, social, and cultural environments, and how this interplay influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

More on: Environmental psychology

Environmental psychology is a multidisciplinary field that explores the reciprocal relationship between people and their surroundings, drawing insights from fields like psychology, architecture, urban planning, and sustainability.

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of environmental psychology, such as how physical spaces and design can shape cognitive processes How to have a say in how society is built w/ Tessza Udvarhelyi, the use of stories and characters to influence environmental beliefs and behaviors Captain Planet to the Rescue, and the impacts of specific environmental factors like color, clutter, and nature on well-being and productivity 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better.

The episodes also touch on the broader applications of environmental psychology in areas like climate change communication, sustainable lifestyles, and community engagement.

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