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Topic: Epidemiological studies

Epidemiological studies investigate the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in populations.

More on: Epidemiological studies

The podcast episodes discuss how epidemiological studies and data collection are crucial for understanding the spread of diseases, the health impacts of environmental factors, and the effectiveness of medical treatments.

For example, the episode 'How dogs' health reflects our own, and what ancient DNA can reveal about human sacrifice' proposed standardizing veterinary data to enable large-scale epidemiological studies on dog populations, which could provide insights into human health.

The episode 'Are 'Forever Chemicals' a Forever Problem?' also discussed a major epidemiological study funded by DuPont that established a 'probable link' between PFAS exposure and various health conditions.

Limitations and considerations in interpreting epidemiological studies, such as potential confounding factors and reverse causality, are covered in the episodes '#286 - Journal club with Andrew Huberman: the impact of light exposure on mental health and an immunotherapy breakthrough for cancer treatment' and 'Journal Club With Dr. Peter Attia | Metformin for Longevity & the Power of Belief Effects'.

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